Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Love My Co Workers

Yes I do. But to call them "co-workers" sounds so stale and generic. And they are everything but.

This month has been my busiest week to date at Proverbs 31 Ministries. I had 3 speaking a speaker at my level, that's a lot. On Monday we received over 400 prayer requests to Proverbs...that's one of my jobs...Prayer coordinator. We usually receive like 15. I spent the night with my mom on Sunday night. My mom's birthday is Wed, May 13th, so me and the kids went to visit a day early since we can't go on her real birthday. We stayed twice as long as we planned. But I wouldn't have it any other way. We had a great time and so did Mom. Then today, Wednesday, it's my mom's real birthday, I had to work, Hayley Grace had dance, and Dylan had a baseball game. And American Idol was on :) Go Kris! But I do like Adam too!

I've also had tons of laundry. I should be cooking. I'm helping with homework. I've had to chauffeur my family from place to place. I know this is common among women. I'm not really that different. But I have felt overwhelmed. I want to do more than I've been doing. And I feel guilty for not being able to do more.

Well, today, my co-workers, lended me hand. They had work to do too. But they put it aside and helped me. I am humbled and amazed. Thank you my friends for devoting your time to helping others, and in a way helping God. You have made a big difference in the lives of others. Thank You!

There is so much more that I could say, but I know they would want God to get all the glory. So let's give it up to Him. Thank you Lord for all you do in our lives together and our lives individually.

Love You! Need You!



Joyful said...

Ah Melissa, I'm so glad you received such a blessing! You are all so special to me and reach across the miles to pour love and prayers into my life as well.

"...he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

Sending hugs and continuing to pray,

Cheri Bunch said...

I nominated you for the Golden Heart Award. Check out my blog for more information!