Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun Weekend

Oooh, how I meant to do a Fun Friday post.....But Friday came and went. So here I am...late Saturday...well really it's early Sunday. But anyhow, I'll try to keep it fun.

Fun. Oh, that will be tough. This weekend has not brough a lot of fun.

The Fun:

Me and the boys are in Rock Hill, SC. (the boys are Blake, Hayden, and Dylan. Jeff has classes all weekend and Hayley Grace is staying at Sydney's. So it's just us.) And we are having fun. We've been swimming in Mom's pool, eating an amazing grilled Pork Loin cuisine, enjoying incredible apple turnover and ice cream desserts, and just enjoyed hanging out with MaMaw.

The Not Fun:

The reality we've been revealed. The surgeon told Buddy (my mom's husband) that he didn't know if it was worth doing any surgery on my mom because of how long she had left to live. I hate even typing that. They are weighing out the pros of the surgery based on the cons of the recovery depending on the reality of the months they think mom has remaining. Harsh words that no daughter is ready to hear.

Jeff called me tonight with some good news. He got our pool painted. As soon as the paint is completley dry, we can fill it with water. That will be nice to have a pool with water.

Band Practice was at our house this weekend. To some it may have seemed noisy, but to me it was beautiful music. It was awesome having teenagers playing around on their instruments. Our garage has been transformed from a garage to a music studio and I couldn't be happier.

We are staying at Mom's til about 3 tomorrow. Then we head to Charlotte to see "Up", the newest Pixar film.

This has been a great weekend, but also a weekend that had a shot of reality in it.

Love You,



Becky Avella said...


I'm glad that you had a fun weekend. My heart broke for you when I read about your Mom. I can't imagine hearing those words. I'm so thankful you know the Lord so He can comfort you in a way no one else can. Can you imgaine going through life without Him?

I'll be praying for you as you deal with all of this and praying that you can have a peaceful, joy-filled summer in the midst of it all.


Stephenie said...

I can only imagine what it would be like to hear those words. May God grant you a peace that passes all understanding as you journey through this. I'm glad you and the boys were able to spend the weekend with your mom. said...

Thanks. I cannot imagine life without the hope of something better ahead in Heaven. Life on Earth is great and I do love it, but if this was all there was, I'd be so sad! Thank you for your prayers.

I can't tell you enough how much your comments mean to me.

Much love!